We took the kids plus my niece and a friend to the waterpark earlier this summer too. Drew was not too excited about this at first. Finally after lunch he loosened up and got in the water freely to play and asked to go in the lazy river again and again. He wouldn't go down the waterslides but he would act as if he was swimming in the ankle deep part of the wave pool. This was good enough we thought.
We celebrated 4th of July over at the river house, eating lots of food, playing in the river and shooting fireworks. Drew loved the sparklers that he could hold, though he had grabbed hold of a punk/lighter and burned his finger. I'm not sure if he had seen big fireworks before or not, as he didn't make too much of a fuss over them though he did like watching them. The pics of him and Riley doing fireworks at home somehow ended up above this post as well as pics of us at the river.
A couple of weeks ago we went to Six Flags with our friends and their little girl. Drew was happy to see the Looney Tune characters up close, especially Scooby Doo who was there. He actually rode a few roller coasters/type rides but didn't really like them. He rode the new Tony Hawk spinning roller coaster with Riley, Chloe and Felisa but said he didn't want to ride it again. The day was hot but the lines for the rides weren't that bad. It actually rained us out of the park at the end of the day so we headed back home sooner than planned. The pic is of their fake tatoos they had to have before leaving.
We also visited our local children's museum here in town. Yes, we have this here in our very small rural town matter of fact. It is called the Bootheel Youth Museum and is visited by hundreds year round. One of the pics is of Riley, Drew, Chloe and Sadie standing in front of the animal furs hanging on a display. Another is of the town grocery store that they liked to play in. The third is the big sized bubble maker.
1 comment:
My FAVORITE picture of Drew is him in the speedboat with Scott:). I love the sunglasses and his hair being whipped back!! He looks adorable!!!
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